In this article:


2020. May 13.

Ancient jars Xiengkhua Nongkiew is a small rustic town in Luang Prabang province, Northern part of Laos. Nongkiew is a sleepy little village with a pair of quiet streets on the west bank of the languid Nam Ou. On the river’s scenic east bank (officially called Ban Sop Houn) is a selection of guesthouses and restaurants catering to travellers. Linking the two, a high concrete bridge built in 1973 offers particularly mesmerising views of soaring limestone crags and haphazard chunks of mountain. Landscape of the city is protected and surrounded by beautiful limestone mountains, green forests.

What to do in Nongkiew?

Although there are no Buddhist or historic places to visit, lots of tourists are coming to see this region. It is the home of various animals, and to challenge yourself with adventures of our beautiful mountains.

Best things that I highly suggest travelers to do while here at these area:

  • Do a longtail boat riding on Nam Ou river for observing the fantastic views and peaceful nature,
  • Find domesticated animals strolling around those area,
  • Do an amazing adventure tour
    • go for trekking to our natural waterfalls,
    • organizing a homestay trip for learning their lives and preserving the local culture and traditions at the same time
    • Kayaking , carving , Ziplining with providing a picnic lunch in the forests, Visiting some Khmu tribes on the way
    • Or just go for hiking

If you chose to visit Nongkiew with me, I suggest to book for 1 night if you prefer to fly from Vientiane, or 2 nights if you prefer to get there on the road from Luang Prabang.

Rice Harvesting in Laos
Protected forests in Laos
Ban sopchem nam ou river

Akkha Peoples In Laos

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